OVH 严格意义上,只有两个分区,也就是美元区和欧元区,细分的小区域只是按照各地法律有所细微差别。
OVH 的欧洲区账户是通用的,一般来说都选择 IE 区(现在 IE 不行了,不接受个人免税),因为该区域风控低,也可以注册其他区一样用,但是最好别碰 DE 区,德国人什么德行懂得都懂。
美洲区账户不通用,即使是美区与加区也不互通。(奇怪的是,美区居然有两个站, 和 这两个站也是独立的,没搞懂有啥区别)
20230528:现在 IE 区已经拒绝一切个人申请免税的请求了,只能去注册其他区了。
懒得注册?出售提供OVH免税号,带全套信息(验证时用的身份信息+地址证明)只需 120CNY
注册账户的过程就不谈了,注册时填写 国家/地区 地方是没有中国大陆的,可以选择香港(用的哪个地方的身份最好填写啥地址)
注册完毕进入后台直接去开工单。Subject 填写 VAT。Additional information 自己随便写写就行。
写完后点击 Confirm 提交。等待回复即可。
需要 政府签发的身份证件+ 地址证明(银行账单/水电单)非英文证件有可能会要求你补充翻译机构的翻译件,淘宝就有。
大陆用户一般用 护照/驾照/港澳通行证 + 银行账单(需要有公章)
IE 区要求
会要求在你的证件旁边附上一张纸条,写你的 OVH ID,防止盗用他人信息。
Hi, The following comment has been added to your support ticket : We would like to inform you that in order to validate your account and be able to proceed with a VAT exemption on your orders, we require you to send us photographs of the following documents: - a proof of ID (a national ID, passport or driving license) IMPORTANT: Please also write down your 'Customer ID' on a piece of paper and place it next to the document so that both are clearly visible, - a proof of Address (a Utility Bill or a Bank Statement not older than 3 months), ideally an original PDF file downloaded from your online banking/supplier's website. Addresses featured in national IDs/passports are not considered a proof of address. If you have created a company account we also require: - company registration documents, - company VAT number added in the OVHcloud control panel We do not accept: - black and white photocopies of any of the documents mentioned - low quality pictures - files on external file sharing websites IMPORTANT: Without all the documents mentioned above, a VAT exemption will not be possible. The data in the customer control panel must be provided in Latin (English) script. There are two ways of sending in an attachment: - you may open this message in the e-mail assigned to the account and reply by adding an attachment - - add the file on this page and send us the link in the ticket Below you will find a guide that will help you use the "Plik" tool, with which it is possible to send files: Please note that any documents in languages other than English must be accompanied by their certified translations. We will not be able to process the documents and exempt VAT from your account otherwise.
FR 区要求
FR 区不要求证件旁写纸条,但是要求手写一封授权书,大体意思就是“你是王二狗,申请免税的行为确实是你自己所为,你授权 OVH 这么做”,FR 区也没提供什么临时网盘
Hi, The following comment has been added to your support ticket : We would like to inform you that in order to validate your account and be able to proceed with a VAT exemption on your orders, we require you to send us photographs of the following documents: - a proof of ID (a national ID, passport or driving license) IMPORTANT: Please also write down your 'Customer ID' on a piece of paper and place it next to the document so that both are clearly visible, - a proof of Address (a Utility Bill or a Bank Statement not older than 3 months), ideally an original PDF file downloaded from your online banking/supplier's website. Addresses featured in national IDs/passports are not considered a proof of address. If you have created a company account we also require: - company registration documents, - company VAT number added in the OVHcloud control panel We do not accept: - black and white photocopies of any of the documents mentioned - low quality pictures - files on external file sharing websites IMPORTANT: Without all the documents mentioned above, a VAT exemption will not be possible. The data in the customer control panel must be provided in Latin (English) script. There are two ways of sending in an attachment: - you may open this message in the e-mail assigned to the account and reply by adding an attachment - - add the file on this page and send us the link in the ticket Below you will find a guide that will help you use the "Plik" tool, with which it is possible to send files: Please note that any documents in languages other than English must be accompanied by their certified translations. We will not be able to process the documents and exempt VAT from your account otherwise.
OVH 部分客服会抽风,例如拒绝中国大陆用户。听说是因为当年国人害的 OVH 被罚钱了?我反正没有找到相关信息。
你所填写的信息最好要和你的支方式的名字一致,所以建议用卡支付,因为大 多数大陆的外币卡(不管是信用卡还是储蓄卡)是不校验名字的,写个 特朗普 唐纳德 银行也不会拒付。可以对应 KYC 用的证件自由发挥;PayPal 付款商家是可以看到 PayPal 账户姓名的,虽说这不是绝对的,但是还是尽量避免
可以把文件上传到 OVH 自建的一个临时网盘)用你的 OVH 账户登录就行了,也可以直接在邮件附件中回复,不接受第三方图床/网盘。
鉴于部分网友啥地址证明没有,这里提供一份瑞讯银行的 PDF 账单,可以拿去改一下用。
need login
need login